What is Web Hosting ?

Simply stated, web hosting is the physical location of a website on ISP (Internet Service Provider) servers, so that the website can be made available to all users of the Internet. The servers (computers) that contain your website are assigned an IP (Internet Protocol) address, which consists of 4 numbers separated by periods (e.g., This IP address is a unique identifier for that computer, on the entire Internet - think of it as a unique mailing address. This IP address, which is associated with your website is advertised across the Internet at DNS (Domain Name Server) servers, which facilitate the translation of your website URL (Uniform Resource Locator - e.g., www.mysite.com) into an IP address. This translation into IP address helps users of the Internet to be able to navigate to your website, when they type your website URL into their favorite browser.

To store your website on a web hosting server provided by an ISP requires setup (need to establish the URL domain, setup Email Addresses, allocate space on the servers, etc.), configuration, and on-going maintenance, to ensure that your website is available to the Internet community on a 24x7 basis. These are a few of the basic services that an ISP, via web hosting plans, will provide to you.

Since web hosting has evolved into an extremely competitive industry, ISP's, by virtue of their web hosting plans, now offer more services than ever before. The other informational pages on this website, describe the features that are now available with web hosting plans today, and also delineate the most credible and most affordable website plans that currently exist.

NOTE: If you arrived directly at this page from a Search Engine, you may want to visit our entire Web Hosting Review - Affordable Web Hosting Plans website.