The St. Louis de Montfort Youth Soccer League has 3 different Divisions, based on age/grade levels (note that age levels are approximate, and exceptions are taken into consideration on a case-by-case basis):

To provide Email feedback to the League, obtain weather updates on the day of games, or to contact us directly with any league problems/issues, please contact us via Telephone or Email:

Division Telephone # Email Address
All Divisions & Weather Updates 516-662-7389 slsoccer@optonline.net

To get in touch with League officials about specific League concerns, to find out about League information, or to see if games are played on a given day based on weather conditions, please call the Soccer Hotline at 516-662-7389 (please note that the area code is 516, not 631).

To voice your opinion about any website questions or suggestions, please Email the Webmaster at soccer@expss.com.